Picture of Dr. Ursula Schmidt, LAc

Dr. Ursula Schmidt, LAc

Ursula Schmidt is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist as well as a nationally certified Diplomate of Acupuncture.

Fall Recommendations for Optimal Health


Chinese Medicine encourages us to adapt our lifestyle and diet to the change in seasons for optimal health.

Fall recommendations for Optimal Health - Acupuncture - Coastal Wellness Health

Fall recommendations for Optimal Health.

Fall is the season of the Metal element, ruler of the Lungs and Colon. This element seems to be the weakest in modern people.  In the fall it is important to address respiratory issues such as allergies and asthma. Constipation is also more common.

Good digestion is now proven to be the root of good health. A disturb microbiome is linked to a slew of diseases. Parkinson, Alzheimer, emotional issues, cancer, autoimmune disorders, reproductive issues, are all connected to our digestive system.

The quality of our food supply is the number one health problem we are facing.
Seed oils, ultra-processed foods (boxed cereal), and snacks are loaded with chemicals that overwhelm the detoxification pathways creating havoc in the communications systems of the body.

What steps can we take to clean our diet and optimize our digestion?

Fall recommendations for Optimal Health - Diet - Coastal Wellness Health

1. Avoid seed oils. Canola, Sunflower, Safflower, Soy.
2. Eat organic as much as possible. EWG publishes every year a list of foods that are better eaten organic.
3. Drink water.
4. Manage stress.

5. Eat a fall diet. Move form salads to more warming foods.

a)Include moistening foods to combat dryness; like spinach, barley, millet, pear, apple, seaweeds, honey, dairy, oysters, clams, mussels, pork.

b)Add pungent foods to help detoxification; like turnips, ginger, horseradish, cabbage, kombu, flax seed.
c)Add foods high in beta carotene (Vitamin A) to protect the mucous membranes of the body. Carrot, winter squash, broccoli, parsley, kale, mustard greens.
d)Emphasize fiber foods to cleanse the lungs and colon. Oats, apples, cherries, carrots, avocado, chia and flax seeds, berries, cruciferous vegetables, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, cooked spinach.

Fall is also the season to start a cold and flu prevention program.  Acupuncture can modulate the immune system, strengthen the lungs and aid elimination. Herbal formulas are useful to address the symptoms of allergies, asthma, upper respiratory infections and constipation. A course of probiotics is also recommended this time of year to optimize intestinal flora and strengthen immunity.  Adding Vitamin D3 protects again colds and flu. Vit C a strong antioxidant, will protect the mucous membranes form pathogens.

Have a Happy, Healthy Fall!


Seed Oils – https://www.westonaprice.org/podcast/how-vegetable-oils-destroy-our-health/#gsc.ta
Boxed Cereals – https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/modern-foods/dirty-secrets-of-the-food-processing-industry/#gsc.tab=0
The Hospitals That Send Patients Home With Nutritious Food –https://reasonstobecheerful.world/food-pantries-in-hospitals-nutrition/

Ursula Schmidt, LAc

Happy Holidays, Candles Coastal Wellness Health

Happy Holidays 2023

Wishing you a joyful holiday season.

May the new year be one where we connect more with the patterns of nature’s design and emphasize the experience of light.

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